for Organizing International Exhibitions & Conferences

Organization for Others

Radiology Conference

Organizers of the 1st Conference for Anesthesia Department - Kasr El Einy - Cairo University through

Egymedica 15th from 7 to 9 May 2015 named Real Anesthesia Cases, Intensive Care & Interactive Pain Management.

Anesthesia Conference

Organizers of the 5th Conference for Clinical Pathology Department - Kasr El Einy - Cairo University (ClinChem) through Egymedica 15th from 7 to 9 May 2015 named Laboratory Medicine every day practice.

Sahwet Oma

Organizers of Conference " Sahwet Oma – صحوة أمة"  with co-operation with The General Union of Chambers of Commerce which was held on 17/9/2014 at Cairo International Convention Center – Mycerinos Hall.

Egyptian Dental Syndicate

Organizers of Egyptian Dental Syndicate – academic year 2013's Graduation Party held on 27/12/2014 at Cairo International Convention Center – Cheops Hall.Organizers of the 1st Conference for Radiology through Egymedica 15th from 7 to 9 May 2015 named Women Imaging – Radiology Basic Course 7 Peripheral Duplex Workshop

ARAB Africa Pharma

Organizers of the Conference “ARAB Africa Pharma “In cooperation with the Pharmacists Syndicate and under the auspices of the Council of Ministers in  2016

Organizers of the 1st Conference for Developing Medical Education & Improving Doctors' Circumstances "Medical Renaissance Initiative–Egypt 2011"held at the National Institute for Training (NTI) from 28 to 30 May, 2011 with co-operation of Doctors Academy.


Green Land For Organizing International Exhibitions & Conferences

(+2) (02)  208 22 108     208 22 109

(+2) (02) 208 22 108

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35 Oboor Building – Salah Salem - Heliopolis - Floor (13) – Cairo – Egypt

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